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Deli style home made ham recipe - using a pressure ham cooker

Deli style home made ham recipe - using a pressure ham cooker

If you are curious what's the difference between home-made and store bought ham then this is the place for you!I will show you how to make a great homemade ham using a pressure ham cooker. (variety of those is available in our store)


1kg ham

2 teaspoons of cured salt

3 cloves of garlic

3 bay leaves

6 pieces of allspice

2 spoons of pork seasoning


Wash your ham meat and dry it out with a paper towel. Puncture the ham with a fork evenly throughout.

in a pot boil 2 litres of water with the garlic, allspice and bay leaves, then let it cool down until room temp

and add the salt.

Put the ham into the water and cover it with something like a plate or whatever you have there that suits you, make sure that the ham is fully covered and now place it in the refrigerator for around 5 days.

Once a day check if everything smells good and flip the ham then cover it again fully.

When the 5 days passes take out the ham and rinse it with water, then place it on paper or a towel and let it

dry a bit for about 30 minutes.

After those 30 minutes rub the spices into the ham, place it in a plastic bag that allows you to take the ham out easily after the cooking process, and place it in the press ham cooker, steam it in a temperature of 80°C (176°F) for about 2 hours and then let it cool down overnight without taking it out of the ham maker. 

25th Oct 2021 Oskar

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